
Carnegie Mellon (Research, Interactive Map)

14 March 1994
Here's something of local Pittsburgh interest - a hypercard stack of the CMU Steam tunnels! There are currently three files available:
  • The history behind the steam tunnel stack
  • The original USENET post to alt.college tunnels (text + binhex)
  • Just the Binhex part, an ASCII file containing the Binhexed Hypercard stack
I have tested the Binhex file by ftping it down to a Mac using Fetch (also Xferit), which has an automatic Binhex mode and converts it to a regular Mac file as it downloads. This produces a file with a stack icon that you can just click on and run (assuming you have Hypercard). I can't vouch for any other method of conversion, but if you have a copy of the Binhex program it ought to convert that way also.
As I have time I will try to put a native Mac copy of the stack here so that with a Mac WWW browser you could click on it and get the program directly, without fussing with the Binhex stuff. I'll be more likely to get around to it if I get mail from people indicating that they would find it useful.
The stack was written on a Mac SE - dual floppy drives (no hard drive), 4 MB RAM (yes M, not G), and the standard 512x342 monochrome display (which explains the relatively small size of the map pages).
A Hypercard map of the CMU Steam Tunnels /
/ d - c n (at) h q 9 9 (dot) n e t