
Notre Dame

I'm glad to see a page on this addicting activity. My father was a visiting prof for a year at MIT, and I loved to explore the tunnels every chance I could...MIT, by the way, probably has one of the largest tunnel systems of any College or University in the country, with some of the weirdest and most secretive items either stored or created in the rooms they connect. (One of the ways I knew was by the numerous "radiation hazard", "biohazard" as well as numerous 10 digit keycard locks on all the doors).
Anyway, now that I am up at Notre Dame, I have taken a very strong interest in the steam tunnels. I haven't had a chance to take my first expedition, but I have heard several rumors you might like:
  1. Carroll Hall, one of our outlying dorms, has a one lane bowling alley in its side building basement, which, though the building has been remodeled, traces can be seen.
  1. The extra memorabilia room in the joyce center's second floor, which reportedly contains various "junk" such as autographed jerseys/footballs/posters of alumni such as Joe Montana, Cotton Bowl trophies, and other priceless stuff.
  1. The legendary first floor Joyce Center Spa, which can only be reached by an anonymous first floor door....
  1. The tunnel which connects the Morris Inn to the CC, supposedly containing lots of football memorabilia too.
  1. The Cryo lab, which is part of IU medical school as south bend...smells like $^#^&...our dorm is right near the building it's in, this is something you can nearly smell at night just by walking by.
I stress again, most of these are just rumors, so there's a high chance they could be total B.S., just like the time when someone told me that they used steam tunnels to shuffle bigwigs around in secret (hah! with the size of those things).
I'd love more info from anyone about the great potential for finding hidden/secret stuff on this campus.